Schistosomiasis is a widespread epidemic of parasitic (helminth) infectious diseases that affects about 5% of the world’s population. Schistosomiasis is still a more important health problem in many developing countries. Schistosoma mansoni Schistosoma japonicum, Schistosoma japonicum and schistosomiasis in Egypt, the first two major damage to the digestive system and the liver, which mainly affects the urinary tract. Its eggs accumulate in small quantities in almost every part of the body but may be overlooked due to lack of symptoms. Lima has reported on autopsy results of 544 cases of schistosomiasis, of which 96 (17.6%) had “ectopic lesions.” Common clinical lesions are not common parts of the nervous system, eye appendages or skin. Extensive review of literature ENT schistosomiasis is rare, only 4 cases reported, 2 in the posterior pharyngeal wall, 1 in the proliferation of body, 1 case in the throat. But once on Egypt’s 100 cases of advanced schistosomiasis