在动手以前,先请你欣赏一些水培植物,如果你倾心这些植物,就来一起 DIY 罢。你若是没有时间动手,还可以直接从花店把它们搬回家。一个好的水培作品往往蕴藏了许多内涵。植物的形态、容器的形状、搭配在一起的和谐韵味等等,这些不仅给植物增添了些许婀娜妩媚,也使花器之美发挥到了极致。其实水培植物是七分设计,三分栽培,让植物与容器相得益彰。当你体会到其中的乐趣,便会醉心于此的。水培的植物不但干净漂亮,容易打理,还不易生虫害,即使出门一两周也不会有问题。照顾它们不是—件难事,用不了太多时间,你就能从中享受到成功的喜悦,满室的昂然生机会带给你全新的感受。让我们一起去创造,去体会这种美丽……
Before you start, please enjoy some plants hydroponics, if you enamored these plants, come together DIY strike. If you do not have the time, you can move them back home directly from the florist. A good hydroponic work often contains many connotations. The shape of the plant, the shape of the container, the harmony of charm and so on, not only add a little grace to the plant, but also make the beauty of the flower plant reach the extreme. In fact, hydroponic plant is seven points design, three-part cultivation, so that plants and containers complement each other. When you realize the fun, you will be obsessed with this. Hydroponic plants not only clean and beautiful, easy to take care of, not easy to pests, even a week or two out there will be no problem. Take care of them is not - a difficult thing, can not spend too much time, you can enjoy the joy of success, room full of health opportunities give you a whole new feeling. Let’s create together to experience this beauty ......