Indian peasant movement is an important activity in the historical development of India and also an indispensable element of the Indian communist movement. Through historical investigation, we find that there is a delicate connection between the Indian peasant movement and the Marxist theory of class struggle, which has always had an impact on the former but has never been the main guiding ideology of the Indian peasant movement. This article combs the relationship between Indian peasant movement and Marxist theory of class struggle since the end of the 19th century and thinks there are four reasons that should not be ignored: First, during the rise of modern national movement in India, peasants in India formed Political culture of the United States focuses more on national independence; secondly, India’s “new class” gradually grasps the leadership of the independent movement; the peasant movement eventually flows into the tide of independence movement; thirdly, the early Indian proletarian parties did not win the Indian Independence Movement And the leadership of the peasant movement. Fourthly, the rise of the Indian Communist Party (Maoism) did not change the relationship between the Indian peasant movement and the theory of class struggle.