数字媒介是在传播过程中,通过采用一定的标准和协议,将分布在地球上不同地方的处理、储存、传递、接收数字化信息内容的各种物体以有线或无线的方式连接起来构成的,并使各种物体之间可以即时无差别传递数字化信息的系统。它的核心是网络技术和数字化技术。简单地说,数字媒介就是以数字化技术为核心的网络系统。 在传播上,数字媒介有着不同于传统媒介的众多特点。
In the process of dissemination, digital media are composed of wired and wirelessly connected various objects distributed in different parts of the world to process, store, transmit and receive digital information by adopting certain standards and protocols. A system that enables digital information to be instantly and indifferent among objects. Its core is network technology and digital technology. Simply put, digital media is the digital system as the core network system. In the dissemination of digital media has many different from the traditional media features.