目的探讨口腔颌面部骨折的临床特点与治疗效果。方法对2003—2009年浦城县医院口腔科收治的183例口腔颌面部骨折患者病历资料进行回顾分析,包括年龄、性别、致伤原因、损伤部位、类型、治疗方法等。结果 183例口腔颌面部骨折患者,治疗后骨折线对位良好者175例,治愈率为95.6%。4例出现张口受限,1例出现术后口角歪斜,1例出现下唇麻木,2例咬合关系恢复欠佳。未发现因手术引起的上睑下垂、下睑外翻等症状和体征。结论开放复位坚强内固定,是颌面部主要治疗手段,合理手术径路既能达到治疗目的,又能最大限度地减少手术损伤。
Objective To investigate the clinical features and therapeutic effects of oral and maxillofacial fractures. Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on 183 cases of oral and maxillofacial fractures admitted to the Department of Stomatology, Pucheng County Hospital from 2003 to 2009, including age, sex, causes of injury, injury sites, types and treatment methods. Results 183 cases of oral and maxillofacial fractures in patients with good fracture line alignment after 175 cases, the cure rate was 95.6%. Four patients had limited mouth opening, one had postoperative skew angle, one had lower lip numbness, and two patients had poor recovery of occlusion. No ptosis, eversion of lower eyelid and other symptoms and signs were found. Conclusion Open reduction and internal fixation is the main treatment for maxillofacial region. The reasonable surgical approach can not only achieve the therapeutic purpose but also minimize the surgical injury.