近两年来 ,公众对职业安全和未来生活保障颇为忧虑 ,自危意识浓烈。这是公众对职业和收入不确定性增大、社会流动速度加快和组织内部控制方式简单化不适应的心理反映。这种不良心态对社会稳定和改革深入发展均有负面影响 ,应通过政府提高社会政策的组合水平和时效性、基层组织优化社会控制方式以及个体通过自觉增强自我调节能力加以缓解。
In the past two years, the public has been quite worried about occupational safety and future life support, and has a strong sense of danger. This is a psychological reflection of the public’s uncertainty about occupations and incomes, the speed of social mobility and the simplification of organizational internal control methods. Such negative psychology exerts a negative impact on social stability and the deepening of the reform. It should be mitigated through the government’s enhancement of the level of combination and timeliness of social policies, the optimization of social control by grass-roots organizations and the self-regulation by individuals.