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用尽当地救济原则是一项重要的国际法原则,是行使外交保护权的前提条件。用尽当地救济原则是对东道国领土主权的尊重,也是对由此派生的属地管辖权的保护,在国际法的实践上起着重要的作用。因此,如何深刻理解和合理适用用尽当地救济规则成为国际社会广泛关注和探讨的问题。2006年的联合国国际法委员会通过的《外交保护条款草案》对用尽当地救济规则做了较为详细的规定,但是在实际运用上仍然有需要完善的地方。 The principle of the exhaustion of local remedies is an important principle of international law and a prerequisite for the exercise of the right of diplomatic protection. The principle of the exhaustion of local remedies respects the territorial sovereignty of the host country as well as the protection of territorial jurisdiction derived therefrom and plays an important role in the practice of international law. Therefore, how to profoundly understand and reasonably apply the rules of exhaustion of local remedies has become a problem widely discussed and discussed by the international community. The “Draft Provisions on Diplomatic Protection” adopted by the 2006 UN Commission on International Law provided more detailed rules on the exhaustion of local remedies, but there are still some areas for improvement in practical application.
198 9~ 1997年间 ,对 48例不能切除的肝细胞癌每次用大剂量顺铂 (CDDP) 12 0 m g~ 16 0 m g、丝裂霉素 (MMC) 10 m g~2 0 m g作肝动脉灌注。治疗后症状缓解 90 % ,肿瘤缩小 36 .