历经六代传承,库克酒庄依然保持着它对优质与完美的理解,从而悉心酿造出品质绝伦的珍贵香槟。9月,库克珍享礼盒(KrugTreasure Box)的优雅问世将库克家族的非凡与珍贵——收纳,礼赞光辉岁月的无尽美好。库克Treasure Box珍享礼盒银白色的盒身中分为二,由金色的锁扣紧密相接,库克品牌印记铭刻其上,威严而高贵,简单的整体设计线条与皮革般的优质触感,让人不禁想亲手打开威严的锁扣,揭开关于库克Treasure Box珍享礼盒的疑惑:在如此晶莹尊贵的盒子里,到底有什么神秘宝藏呢?
After six generations of inheritance, Cook winery still retains its high quality and perfect understanding, so carefully brewed precious noble champagne of the highest quality. In September, the elegant appearance of the Krug Treasure Box epitomized the extraordinary and precious Cook family - the beauty and wonder of the days of receiving and praise. Cook Treasure Box enjoy gift box Silver white box body is divided into two, closely linked by the golden lock, Cook mark engraved on the brand, majestic and noble, simple overall design lines and leather-like quality touch, People can not help but want to open the majestic lock hand, uncover the mystery about Cook Treasure Box Jane wonders: in such a crystal box, what mysterious treasures?