Brief Introduction to English as Lingua Franca and Its Inspiration on Chinese Tertiary Foreign Langu

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  Abstract:With the development of economic globalization and regional integration,the status of English as Lingua Franca has been further strengthened.This paper intends to reveal the reason behind such kind of phenomenon and explores its inspiration on tertiary foreign language education in China.
  Key words:ELF;tertiary foreign language education;China;inspiration;
  1.The historical development of ELF
  The concept of Lingua Franca has produced several hundred years.In the history of human beings,Arabic,Greek,Latin,Portuguese and Sanskrit have been separately used as Lingua Franca at different historical periods.In the 1980s,the German scholars named Hullen and Knapp referred the importance of ELF as English teaching objective to the issue of English pedagogy.In the early period o 21st century,Jenkins and Seidlhofer made great contribution to the study of ELF.As for Jenkins,she conducted empirical studies of phonological features of ELF,which was mentioned by Knapp in for Seidlhofer,she proposed that any realistic descriptions of ELF’s use didn’t exist in academia,which caused the phenomenon that non-native English speakers ignored they are the users and creators of English other than followers of native speakers’ norms What’s more,Barbara Seidlhofer’s research team established an ELF corpus named VOICE.In addition,from 2008 to now,the international conference of ELF has been held for 8 times.
  2.The definition and features of ELF
  Globalization of English results a phenomenon that the population of non-native speakers is much more than that of native English speakers.Which means,in Kachru’s framework of the concentric circles of English,that the population of expanding circle and outer circle is much more than that of inner circle.Non-native English speakers’ English can be different from native English speakers’ norm.This kind of varied English using instance doesn’t mean non-native English speakers’ deficiency in English.Non-native English speakers are neither English learners nor failed native speakers.Instead,they are practical and proficient communicators and users of English by means of taking advantages from different kinds of linguistic resource.ELF emphasized more on the use of language,especially in specific circumstances.What’s more,it pays more attention to the function of English rather than its linguistic form.In other words,scholars believing ELF hold that communicative efficiency is more important than linguistic accuracy.   3.Current problems in Chinese tertiary foreign language education
  There are four problems existing in Chinese tertiary foreign language education.First of all,it is about the contradiction of classification of foreign languages between basic education and higher education.To put it more specifically,classification and number of foreign languages at the stage of basic education is too single.It goes against the multilingual need at the stage of higher education.The incoherence of foreign language teaching between basic education and higher education goes secondly.Thirdly,it is that the number of teachers of EGP(English for General Purpose)is more than that of teachers of ESP(English for Special Purpose).Another issue is about the incoherent foreign language testing systems between college entrance exam and different kinds of rank examinations.
  4.Critical analysis of its reason
  Institutional inertia has contributed a lot to the failure of tertiary foreign language education in China.Teaching English has had a long history.It’s hard to transform the fact of long-term existing education system immediately.In addition,there are some cultural and psychological factors.Since the implementation of the Opening-up and Reform policy,China has been pursuing for some western countries’ economic power,especially those of America and Britain.What’s more,power and economic factors can’t be ignored.In China,different educational institutions and departments spare their all efforts to establishing their own language testing systems for benefits and advantages of economy and power.While,different foreign countries pursue the same way.
  5.ELF’S inspiration to Chinese tertiary foreign language education
  Firstly,tertiary English education should adopt the multiple English view based on ELF.Therefore,in context of instructional teaching,English teachers should wave off the outdated and inappropriate view of native speakers’ norm and adapt themselves to multiple English teaching materials.Meanwhile,requirements and standards of linguistic competence of English should be adapted.Learners should get rid of the framework of native speakers’ norm.The teaching objective of English emphasizes more on speakers’ skillful communicative ability in multilingual context rather than appropriate linguistic forms like native speakers.What’s more,teaching contents also should be changed.In the view of ELF,English learners’ learning materials should both include contents of British and American culture and that of other countries like ones in Africa and Asia.In addition,as for the evaluation standard for listening and speaking,students’ practical accommodation shill weights more than other skills like native-like pronunciation.
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  [2]Jenkinns,J.2006.Current perspectives on teaching World Englishes and English as lingua franca [J].TESOL Quarterly 40(1):157-81.
  [3]Kachru,B.1992.The Other Tongue:English Across Cultures(2nd ed.)[M].Urbana & Chicago:University of Illinois Press.
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摘 要:“软实力”又称“软国力”、“软权利”。是上世纪90年代初期由哈佛大学肯尼迪学院院长、美国国防部前部长助理约瑟夫·奈(JosephNye)在《注定领导:变化中的美国力量的本质》一书中提到的。他表示“一个国家的综合国力,既包括由经济、科技、军事实力等所体现出来的‘硬实力’,也包括以文化和价值观念、社会制度、发展模式、生活方式、意识形态等的吸引力所体现出来的‘软实力’。本文通过阐述软实力视角下的
游戏的过程即孩子自我發展的过程,其中隐藏着重要的教育动因,内含着教育方法的契机,因而有着不可忽视的教育价值。鉴此,鼓励幼儿游戏、提倡教师在教学中运用游戏,并把游戏作为头等大事来对待。  一、在幼儿园教育实践中谋求游戏与教育的结合  (一)游戏与教育既是独立的又是统一的  就活动的本质来说,游戏和教育是两种不同的活动。游戏是一种不受外力约束的、是游戏者自发自选的活动,而教育则是一种有目的、有计划地由
摘 要:小学阶段的数学课堂教学之中,教师应当遵循小学生的认知特点,努力为学生打造一个快乐的数学课堂,让学生们的注意力更加集中,思维更加活跃,在这样的状态之下,学生的数学学习效率会更高,教师的课堂教学效率也更加有保障。本文笔者从事小学数学教学多年,现结合自身多年的教学实践经验,关于如何运用“快乐”来打造高效的小学数学课堂教学谈一谈自己的一些看法。  关键词:小学数学;课堂教学;快乐课堂;高效课堂  
摘 要:小学数学课程中,分数应用题是较难的一个专题板块。低年级阶段,学生只是进行整数的基础四则运算,而分数运算本身就较抽象,放在应用题当中更加大了学生理解和掌握的难度。对于这部分内容的传统教学中,教学模式单一,形成了固定的模式。这不利于有效提升学生对分数运算的学习兴趣,因此就教学的有效策略进行探索。  关键词:小学;数学;分数;应用题;教学  一、小学高年级数学分数教学内容特点  数学是一门让人变
摘 要:在小学语文课堂中,教师必须运用影响心灵魅力的故事,点燃学生学习语文的激情,纠正小学语文课堂沉闷的问题,营造丰富多彩的课堂环境,构建有影响力的教学氛围,为学生解读文本打下情感基础。  关键词:小学语文;故事教学;思考运用  故事是儿童重要的精神食粮,因此,故事对儿童的重要性不言而喻。作为一种精神食物,它可以使孩子不会感受到想象的饥渴;它可以装饰,填补儿童幻想的世界,滋润孩子的心,让孩子们受到
摘 要:石版从一种印刷技术转变为艺术手段,具有独特的艺术语言和艺术表现力,它可以呈现层次丰富的画面,也可以呈现自由随性的画面。我将我对石版的认识及石版对我的影响带入到我的创作中,并与原始艺术给予我的精神上的启发相结合,试图以最简单的形式表达内心最真实的情感。第二个系列我融入了对人生的思考。我认为人生是不停的变化的,有许多的不确定性和可能性,我将这种变化、不确定性和可能性贯穿在了我整个第二个系列中。
摘 要:新时期背景下,科学技术的发展速度明显加快,计算机在人们日常生活中的重要性也逐渐突显出来。计算机网络技术的先进性能够为人们生活与工作产生积极的影响。但在实践应用计算机的过程中,仍存在诸多安全隐患,不利于用户信息数据的安全。将数据加密技术凭借自身的优势与特点被应用在计算机安全中,具有一定的可行性。基于此,文章将数据加密技术作为重要研究内容,阐述其在计算机安全中的实践应用,希望有所帮助。  关键
幼儿园教育应当为幼儿提供健康、丰富的学习、生活环境,满足他们多方面发展的需要,但是当前我国农村幼儿教育中普遍存在小学化的倾向,严重违背了幼儿身心成长的客观规律,对幼儿身心的健康成长极为不利。据笔者调查,主要因为以下几个方面:  一、家长及社会要求教学内容“小学化”。  农村许多幼儿的家长或监护人,他们有限的学习经历、知识水平、教育观念等,致使在他们的心目中上学就要“学知识”,把识字、写字、背儿歌、
摘 要:作为九年义务教育活动开头部分的小学阶段,称得上是学生终身学习的一个“直接影响阶段”。而在这一阶段的教学活动中,小学数学堪称“重中之重”。作为小学数学教学开展“主战场”的课堂教学中,一系列以达到预定的教学目的而进行的各种活动方式,都可称作“课堂教学策略”。从这一点不难看出,小学数学教学过程中,课堂教学策略有着不可代替的重要地位。而随着一系列教学改革的推进,教学策略也需要“与时俱进”。  关键
摘 要:在我国的高职教育中,高职院校一直担任着为国家培养高素质技能型人才为己任。就业问题则是高职院校学生面临的首要问题。其中英语作为世界语言,学好专业英语不仅可以为自己开拓更加广阔的道路还能够在一定方面增加个人优势。所以各高校以就业为目的设立的高职专业英语教学改革。  关键词:高职英语;就业;改革  为社会培养高素质技能型人才一直都是高职院校的首要目标,随着现代社会的不断进步,英语水平所占比重越来