凤物长宜放眼量马超龙(四川) 旅游业大发展的新形势已经初露端倪,眼下正是同志们大有可为的好时机,不少同行都在翘首以盼,期待着各级领导一显身手,带领大家快步向前。 在这关系到本地区本部门未来命运的关键时刻,决策人物的眼光无疑是十分重要的。“放眼量”三字,似乎不妨理解为在时空方面都应有较远的目光。中国旅游事业发展的成功与不太成功之处,都是有经验可总结的。譬如当初提出“五个一起上”时,就对配套政策和配套
Fighting for a long time should take a panoramic view Ma Chaolong (Sichuan) tourism development has taken shape in the new situation, now is a good time for comrades promising, many colleagues are eagerly looking forward to leaders at all levels show their skill , Lead everyone step forward. At this critical juncture that relates to the future destiny of our own sector in this region, it is undoubtedly important that the eyes of policy makers are clear. It seems as if we can understand that there should be a long way to go in terms of time and space. The successes and less successful successes of China’s tourism industry have been summed up with experience. For example, when the original proposal was made on “five together,” we have formulated relevant policies and supporting measures