1989年2月的一天深夜,一场突如其来的“脑中风”象狂风巨浪般地将我击倒。两天后,当我在市中心医院的病床上苏醒后,才知道自己刚刚同死神进行了一场生死搏斗。 大家知道:脑中风这种病死亡率很高,一般情况下非死即残。但值得万分庆幸的是我的肢体却没有因病造成任何障碍。 当我躺在病床上辗转难眠时,想到自己1948年从左权县参加革命,随军一直打到福建,1978年从福建转业回到山西工作至今,先后40多年革命生涯中,战争中的枪林弹雨没有把我打倒,工作中的艰难困苦没有把我压倒,如今难道能让病魔把我打垮吗?
Late in the night of February 1989, a sudden “stroke of the brain” knocked me like a storm. Two days later, when I woke up in a hospital bed in a downtown hospital, I realized that I had just had a hard time with death. We all know that stroke has a high mortality rate, which is usually not dead or disabled. But it is fortunate that my body has not caused any problems with the disease. When I was lying in bed and sleepless nights, I thought I joined the revolution from Zuoquan County in 1948, with the army has been hit Fujian, Shanxi Province in 1978 to switch jobs back to work in Fujian, has 40 years of revolutionary career, the bullet in the war did not Put me down, the hardships in the work did not overwhelm me, now can I let the sick beat me?