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由全国印染科技信息中心组织召开的“’98全国印染产品结构调整及开发技术研讨会”于1998年12月8~10日在江苏省无锡市召开.来自全国13个省市共150名代表参加了会议.当前我国的纺织印染工业正处于产业结构调整的转型时期.作为传统的加工业,印染行业面临的一个严重问题是产品品种不多,档次不高,大量低档产品形成相互低价竞争,致使企业的经济效益连年滑坡.这次会议的主题就是研讨我国印染行业产业结构(重点是产品结构)调整的方向,探索国有大中型印染企业走出困境的道路,交流研讨国内外最新印染产品开发技术及市场动态. The “98 National Symposium on Structure Adjustment and Development of Printing and Dyeing Products” organized by the National Printing and Dyeing Technology Information Center was held in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province from December 8 to 10, 1998. A total of 150 representatives from 13 provinces and cities across the country participated in the conference. The conference. At present, China’s textile printing and dyeing industry is in the transition period of industrial restructuring. As a traditional processing industry, a serious problem facing the printing and dyeing industry is that there are not many product varieties and the grades are not high, and a large number of low-grade products form low-price competition with each other. The theme of this conference is to discuss the direction of adjustment of the industrial structure of the printing and dyeing industry in our country (focusing on the product structure), explore the path for state-owned large and medium-size printing and dyeing companies to get out of difficulties, and exchange and discuss the latest development technologies for printing and dyeing products at home and abroad. And market dynamics.
7月16日,余秀华穿越大半个中国,携第三本诗集《我们爱过又忘记》,于恒隆广场品聚书吧与济南读者相见。  对于喜欢余秀华诗歌的诸位而言,与余秀华面对面的确是一次难得的体验,让人想起鸡蛋与母鸡的钱式寓言。她对自己、对他人同样的言辞尖锐性命互见,有人赞其思想深刻,有人怒其教养不足。她的伯乐、《诗刊》编辑刘年认为,她的诗,放在中国女诗人的诗歌里,就像把杀人犯放在一群大家闺秀里一样醒目……唯独她烟熏火燎、泥