尚峰尚水源墅 海淀北部新区上半年完成投资77亿元区域发展有力提升产品价值

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今年上半年,海淀北部新区开复工项目共计68项,开复工面积607万平方米,竣工37万平方米,完成投资77亿元。可以预见,海淀北部新区的稳步发展必将强力助推位于新区温泉镇核心的正源.尚峰尚水产品价值的快速提升,在此置业的购房者也将充分享受到未来整个区域的发展潜力。据悉,正源.尚峰尚水三期新品——源墅8月耀世开盘后便持续热销,全新推出的188-248平米叠拼别墅,作为目前该区域内在售的稀缺叠墅产品,便捷的地理区位、宜人的自然环境、完善的文娱生活配套、突出的产品设计以 In the first half of this year, a total of 68 reconstruction projects were started in the northern part of Haidian District, with an area of ​​6.07 million square meters and an area of ​​370,000 square meters completed and an investment of 7.7 billion yuan completed. It is foreseeable that the steady development of Haidian New District will surely boost the positive source located in the hot spring town of New District. The rising value of Shangfeng Shanghui products will also fully enjoy the potential for development of the entire region in the future . It is reported that the source is Shangfeng Shangshui three new products - the source villa August after the opening of the world will continue to sell hot, the new 188-148 square meters to spell villas, as currently in the region for the sale of rare stacks of products, Convenient geographical location, pleasant natural environment, perfect entertainment facilities, outstanding product design to