科技期刊是传递情报信息的重要工具。它所反映的情报信息具有快、新、精的特点。在科学技术迅速发展的今天,科技期刊已成为广大科技工作者的耳目。在高等院校,它更受广大读者的高度重视。因此,作为高等院校的图书馆,特别是象我们这样专业性强的图书馆,如何加强医药卫生等科技期刊的管理,提高其利用率,是关系到充分发挥情报职能,更好地为教学、科研、医疗服务的一个关键性问题。本文试图就此谈一些粗浅看法: (一)搞好期刊订购是提高期刊利用率的前提条件。我们医学院校图书馆,主要是为教学、科研、医疗服务,专业性强,订购期刊质量的高低,不仅影响馆藏特色,而且
Sci-tech journals are an important tool for delivering intelligence information. The intelligence information it reflects is characterized by speed, newness, and precision. With the rapid development of science and technology, scientific and technological journals have become the eyes and ears of the vast number of scientific and technological workers. In universities and colleges, it is highly valued by readers. Therefore, as a library of institutions of higher learning, especially as a professional library like us, how to strengthen the management of scientific and technical journals such as medicine and health and increase its utilization rate is related to the full play of intelligence functions and better teaching. , scientific research, medical services, a key issue. This article attempts to talk about some superficial views: (1) Doing a good job of journal subscription is the precondition for improving the utilization of journals. The libraries of our medical colleges are mainly for teaching, scientific research and medical services, and they are highly professional. The quality of subscription journals not only affects the characteristics of the collection, but also