固定桥作为人工修复体,因装戴舒适,方便,咀嚼效率高而深受患者欢迎。近几年来,固定桥制作工艺虽有较大的改革,但制作过程仍复杂,切割基牙较多,一旦出现问题易造成不可挽回的损失。故临床要求必须制作合理,方能达到预期的修复效果。笔者观察了近3年来门诊拆除固定修复体50件作一初步分析。了解其主要损坏原因,以便减少不必要的修复。临床资料 1、共计44例,50件修复体。男28件,女22件,年龄最大81岁,最小17岁。 2、拆除50件固定修复分布部位、修复种类、使用年限和拆除原因等结果见表1—2。
Fixed bridge as an artificial prosthesis, due to wearing a comfortable, convenient, chewing high efficiency and welcomed by patients. In recent years, the fixed bridge production process, although greater reform, but the production process is still complicated, cutting more abutments, once the problem is likely to cause irreparable damage. Therefore, the clinical requirements must be made reasonable to achieve the expected rehabilitative effect. The author observed nearly 3 years outpatient removal of fixed prosthesis 50 for a preliminary analysis. Understand the main causes of damage in order to reduce unnecessary repairs. Clinical data 1, a total of 44 cases, 50 prosthesis. 28 males and 22 females, the oldest is 81 years old and the youngest is 17 years old. 2, demolition of 50 fixed repair distribution sites, repair type, age and reasons for dismantling the results shown in Table 1-2.