Jiangmen City (commonly known as “Wuyi ”) is located in the Pearl River Delta West Bank, population 4.5 million, more than 400 million native folks Jiangmen, all over Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and the five continents, “China’s first overseas Chinese” reputation. In Jiangmen, the towers are dotted with cities and towns in rural areas, each with its own eyes and eyes, especially in Kaiping City, the most prominent towers. She not only has a large number but also has its own characteristics. More than a village in Kaiping Diaolou more than a dozen seats, one less village two or three. From the outlet to the lily, and from Tangkou to Mie Gang, Chishui, vertical and horizontal dozens of kilometers continuous, spectacular. This block of towers is a witness to the political, economic and cultural development in Kaiping,