Drug resistance and side effects of antibiotic cords or other chemotherapeutic drugs are major factors that limit their treatment for gonorrhea. The authors report that the new aminoglycoside drug, cystathin, does not have these side effects and its efficacy has been surpassed by 1,200 uncomplicated Gonorrhea patients have confirmed that no resistant strains have been observed.The authors studied 1,200 gonorrhea patients without complications (690 males, 510 males) for 4 years (1982-1985) excluding gonorrhea in the pharynx , Urethral and rectal drawing, male patients take urethral secretions and drawn from the rectum, by smear direct microscopy and culture confirmed to single dose of 300 mg intramuscular injection of Sisamycin.After 7 days again smear microscopy and culture, Results all negative. No serious side effects, allergies and signs of kidney and ear poisoning. Ethyl Sisamycin is derived from gentamicin CIa semi