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家乡四面环水,是洞庭湖碧水中的一个小岛,宛如一只青螺,在悠长的岁月里被洞庭的波浪日夜奏响。岛的南北先后通桥,连接着两个小城。岛的东面与垸区隔水相望。两乡人互通往来,全靠摆渡人的一叶小舟。听母亲说,那个摆渡人上世纪末就开始接过一双木桨,把自己大后半生都寄托在这几里宽的水上了。那时的摆渡人,用年轻有力的双手摇动着厚重的双桨, The home is surrounded by water, is an island in the clear water of Dongting Lake, like a green snail, in the long years by the Dongting waves playing day and night. The island has been through the bridge north and south, connecting two small town. The island’s waterfront across the embankment and the embankment. Interchange between the two rural people, thanks to ferry people a leaf boat. Listen to my mother said that the ferry man began to take a pair of wooden paddle at the end of the last century, the rest of his life are pinned on a few wide water. At that time the ferry people, shaking the heavy sculls with young and powerful hands,
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美杜莎(Medusa),这一希腊神话中的蛇发女怪,凡被其目光触及者即化为石头。当日本东京人Tatsuneri Morimoto将其62年雪佛兰敞篷车命名为Maddusa时,其意义可谓又有一番不同了
李老李雪峰去世已将近5年了。我为他做秘书服务了16个年头,曾和他朝夕相处。在那些日子里,我有时坐在他书桌的对面,有时坐在他的病床旁,听着他丰富知识的传播,听着他对往事的述说,这些情景犹如昨日……    对工作严谨认真,对生活乐观向上    我是从1987年五一国际劳动节后给李老当秘书的,当时李老是中顾委委员、六届全国政协常委。他自1979年从安徽返京后,身边没有秘书。我记得自己做的第一件重要工作,
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