鲍立克次体病,又称鲍枯萎综合征(Withering syndrome of abalone),是我国水生动物三类疫病。│病原│由加州立克次体引起各种野生和养殖鲍鱼的一种传染病。加州立克次体为一种细胞内细菌,菌体呈棒状或球状,在胃肠上皮细胞质内空泡中复制,主要侵害鲍胃肠上皮,以消化腺病变为特征,严重的腹足萎缩并死亡。│流行情况│此病沿北美洲西海岸一带流行,如美国加利福尼亚州和墨西哥北部下加利福尼亚
Powell’s disease, also known as Withering syndrome of abalone, is one of the three aquatic animal diseases in China. │ Pathogen │ An infectious disease caused by a variety of wild and farmed abalone in California Rickettsia. California Rickettsia is a kind of intracellular bacteria, rod-shaped or spherical cells, in the gastrointestinal epithelial cytoplasm within the vacuolar replication, mainly against the abalone abalone, digestive lesions characterized by gonads, severe abdominal atrophy and death. │ epidemics │ this disease prevails along the west coast of North America, such as the United States, California and northern Mexico, Baja California