民间投资 政府帮扶 学生受惠——浙江省天台县探索大学生创业服务新模式

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浙江省台州市天台县属不发达山区县,财政资源投资有限,随着高校毕业生人数逐年增多,目前累计约有3000多名大学生未就业或不稳定就业。为有效推动大学生自主创业,天台县不断探索创业帮扶形式,结合当地电商产业发展较快的现状,提出“民间投资,政府帮扶”的创新模式,打造大学生电子商务创业园,打破了以往只依赖政府投资的单一渠道,目前已利用民间资本建成大学生电子商务创业园2家,创业培训基地2家,今年以来吸引了300多名大学生加盟创业园。 Tiantai County, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province is underdeveloped mountainous counties with limited investment of financial resources. As the number of university graduates has increased year by year, there are currently about 3,000 undergraduates unemployed or unsteadily employed. In order to effectively promote college students to start their own businesses, Tiantai County continuously explores the forms of entrepreneurship assistance and, in light of the rapid development of the local electricity supplier industry, proposes an innovative model of “private investment and government assistance” to create a breakthrough environment for college students in e-commerce. In the past, relying solely on government investment in a single channel, has now used private capital to build two e-business incubators, entrepreneurship training base 2, this year attracted more than 300 college students to join the business park.