深沉的悲痛 热切的追求——马勒的《升c小调第五交响曲》赏析

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马勒一生的创作几乎全部献给了交响曲和艺术歌曲。他的十部交响曲(第十部未完成)与《流浪少年之歌》、《少年魔角》、《丧儿悼歌》等声乐套曲的内容,互相影响,互相渗透,共同展示了作者追求虚幻精神力量的哲学思想与纯净宏伟的音乐风格。 Almost all of his life’s creation dedicated to symphony and art songs. His ten symphonies (Part 10 is not completed) and the contents of the vocals such as The Wandering Songs of Teenagers, The Devil’s Devil, and the Memorial of Mourning for the Children influence and permeate each other and jointly demonstrate the author’s pursuit The Philosophical Ideas of Unreal Spiritual Power and Pure and Grand Musical Style.