2012年为进一步加强党的制度建设,构建党内法规制度体系,中央统一部署了党内法规和规范性文件清理工作。按照中央统一部署,自2013年8月至2015年7月省委办公厅历时两年,在省档案馆利用处、保管处的积极配合下调阅了40多年的省委发文卷宗,共计8 000余卷,共梳理出1954年至2012年的省委文件13 000余件。
In 2012, in order to further strengthen the building of the party’s system and establish a system of rules and regulations within the party, the central authorities unifiedly deployed the rules and normative documents for the party’s internal work. In accordance with the unified plan of the Central Government, the provincial party committee general office lasted for two years from August 2013 to July 2015, and under the active cooperation of the provincial archives utilization office and custody office, read the 40-year-old provincial documents for a total of 8,000 I roll out a total of more than 13,000 pieces of provincial documents from 1954 to 2012.