随着建设项目职业病危害控制效果评价的不断深入和完善,特别是GBZ/T 197-2007《建设项目职业病危害控制效果评价技术导则》在评价目的、范围、内容、方法、调查和效果的章节中对职业病危害防护措施提出了相应的要求。通过几年的职业病危害控制效果评价工作实践,职业卫生技术服
With the continuous improvement and perfection of the evaluation of the control effect of occupational hazards in construction projects, especially the GBZ / T 197-2007 Technical Guidelines for the Evaluation of Control Effects of Occupational Hazards in Construction Projects, the purpose, scope, content, methods, investigation and effect of the project In occupational hazards protection measures put forward the corresponding requirements. Through several years of occupational hazards control effect evaluation work practice, occupational health technology service