凌源钢铁公司这个计划经济时名不见经传的小厂,历经市场经济的风风雨雨现已成长为既有相当规模又有较高效益的全国知名的地方钢铁企业,并正在以更大的步伐向更高的目标冲击。 凌钢在市场经济中由小变大,由弱变强,谱写了走向辉煌的三步曲。 一、调船头冲险浪在市场经济中扬帆 凌钢的前身新生钢铁厂,始建于1958年,是大跃进的产物,1962年下马。1966年凌钢诞生,在而后的计划经济年代里年年亏损。1981年国家开始实行经济调整,大幅度压缩基建规模。随之,凌钢的订货锐减,生产急剧滑坡。上级部门亮出了
Lingyuan Iron and Steel Company in the planned economy, little-known small factory, after the ups and downs of the market economy has grown into both a considerable size and high efficiency of the well-known local steel companies, and is at greater pace Shock to a higher goal. Ling steel in the market economy from small to large, from weak to strong, to write a brilliant trilogy. First, the thrilling adventure wave In the market economy Sailing Ling steel predecessor steel factory, was founded in 1958, is the product of the Great Leap Forward, dismount in 1962. Ling steel was born in 1966, after the planned economy in the annual loss. In 1981, the state began to implement economic restructuring and substantially reduce the size of infrastructure. As a result, Ling Steel’s orders plummeted, production declined dramatically. Higher authorities showed up