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【本刊辑】2017年2月,美赞臣与澳大利亚领先乳制品公司百嘉奶酪公司达成协议,收购其喷雾干燥和成品加工工厂。这项交易涉及金额为2亿澳元,预计将于2017年第二季度完成。此举是2017继美赞臣被利洁时集团收购后的又一大的举措。国内乳业资深分析师宋亮认为,此次收购有三点考量:一是有了利洁时的支持,美赞臣在营 In February 2017, Mead Johnson reached an agreement with 100-Chia, the leading dairy company in Australia, to acquire its spray drying and finished product processing plant. The deal involves an amount of 200 million Australian dollars, is expected to be completed in the second quarter of 2017. The move is another big move following 2017 after the acquisition of Mead Johnson by The Li Jie Group. Song Liang, a senior domestic dairy analyst, believes that the acquisition has three considerations: First, there is Lee period support, Mead Johnson in the camp
身边是骀荡春风,头上是灿烂暖阳。三月京华,再次迎来了一年一度的“两会”召开。举国关心,举世瞩目。  “两会”前夕,文化部部长蔡武同志在接受记者采访时说:“我们一定要增强忧患意识,克服麻痹思想,沉下心来,用心谋划,辛勤耕耘,抓好落实,完成‘十一五’规划确定的任务,实现文化的全面协调发展。”此话让人感奋,也令人警醒。尤其是“沉下心来”这几个字,很值得我们文化产业界的同志们认真思考。  目前,我国文化产