Zhang × × patients, male, 22 years old, Han nationality, hospital health workers. May 1981 removal of mandibular bilateral mandibular removal of teeth to seek treatment. Check: the teeth of the upper and lower jaw have erupted a total of 34, with the exception of 4 (?) 4 completely shifted outside the lingual side of the normal dental arch, the remaining 32 teeth arranged neatly, occlusal relationship except the anterior teeth slightly open occlusion The remaining teeth are normal. The equivalent of 4 (?) 4 normal position of the tooth morphology abnormalities, buccal tall and stout, and the canine cusps very similar, but the basic shape of the entire crown is more like the premolar, and 3 (?) 3 morphology, location , There is no abnormal arrangement, the teeth have erupted mutation prenatal molar.