
来源 :岩土工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanfansis
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针对填海软土地区深基坑采用的排桩加上部内支撑、下部预应力锚索复合支护结构进行了分析,基坑上部刚度较大的内支撑的存在有效减小了基坑的变形、优化了围护结构的受力,下部预应力锚索可以为桩基提供施工所需空间、减小支撑与地下室施工的相互影响。通过现场监测情况分析及数值模拟初步探索了内支撑与锚索的共同作用,体现了上撑下锚复合支护结构在软土地区的施工便利性及造价优越性,可为类似工程提供参考。 For the deep foundation pit in the reclaimed soft soil area, the piles used in the deep foundation pit are combined with the internal support and the lower prestressed anchor composite support structure is analyzed. The existence of the internal support with larger stiffness in the upper part of the foundation effectively reduces the deformation of the foundation pit , Which optimizes the force of the envelope. The lower prestressed anchor cable can provide the pile foundation with the necessary space for construction and reduce the mutual influence between the support and the basement construction. Through the analysis of site monitoring and numerical simulation, the interaction between inner support and anchor cable is preliminarily explored, which shows the construction convenience and cost superiority of the anchor composite support structure in the soft soil area. It can provide references for similar projects.
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