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水稻(Oryza sativa)最初在长江中下游地区被驯化,在中国境内已发现大量稻作遗址.目前稻作史研究均是根据形态如小穗轴等来进行驯化进程分析,至今尚无利用序列数据进行分析的报道.本研究对来自3个考古遗址(浙江田螺山遗址、江西新干战国粮仓和浙江湖州毗山遗址唐代文化层,年代分别为7000,2400和1200BP)稻作遗存进行了DNA提取,PCR克隆测定了4个基因组片段.序列分析表明,每个遗址均发现2个以上的水稻基因型,表明当时的种质尚处于混杂状态.与来自亚洲栽培稻以及野生稻的比较分析,发现至少一个古稻基因型在栽培稻中可能已丢失,同时本研究稻作遗存可能为粳稻类型,或当时可能尚处于籼粳稻混种或籼粳分化不明显状态,但粳稻类型占优势.本研究结果表明水稻在驯化过程中发生了显著的基因型分化.在田螺山遗址稻作遗存中还发现与无患子目、蒺藜目和十字花目植物高度同源的序列,这与遗址发现大量楝树遗存以及南方常见田间杂草芥类等植物遗存相吻合. Oryza sativa was first domesticated in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and a large number of rice-growing sites have been found in China.At present, the research on rice history is based on the analysis of domestication processes such as rachillas, so far no sequence data has been used .In this study, DNA from three archaeological sites (Zhejiang Tianluoshan site, Xinchang Warring States Granary in Jiangxi Province and the cultural layer of Tang Dynasty Huaxian Site in Tang Dynasty with 7000, 2400 and 1200 BP respectively) Four genomic fragments were obtained by PCR and cloning.The sequence analysis showed that more than two rice genotypes were found in each site, indicating that the germplasm was still in a mixed state at that time.Compared with the cultivated rice and wild rice from Asia, It was found that at least one of the ancient rice genotypes may have been lost in the cultivated rice. At the same time, the rice relics in this study may be of the japonica type, or they may still be in a mixed state of indica or japonica or an indistinct indica-japonica differentiation state, but the japonica type is predominant. The results showed that significant genotypic differentiation occurred during domestication of rice in the remains of rice fields in Tianluoshan site also found with Sapindaceae, Tribulus terrestris and Cross Head plant highly homologous sequences, and found a large number of sites and the remains of the South neem common field and other miscellaneous trash like plant remains consistent.
<正> 本文对清朝以前现存的古代医学文献中有关儿科针灸的内容进行了初步整理、研究,以期抛砖引玉,为儿科针灸的深入研究提供途径。儿科针灸的发展概况早在《黄帝内经》中就