艾滋病福建省:本月福州市郊区报告1例。患者女,1961年出生。一年多来反复发热,5个月来体重减轻10余斤,伴有弓形体病、白色念株菌感染,T 淋巴细胞低于200T4/T8<1。经流行病学调查系国内感染。疹麻广西:病671例,死2人。发病比上月、去年同月分别上升7.70%、155.13%,累计发病比去年同期上升137.05%。发病县47个。据三江县报告,该县麻疹发病比上月上升18.7倍,首例发生在10月10号。斑疹伤寒天津:本月武清县报告8例病人,秋末以来,武清县医院相继收治数例不明原因发热患者。病人表现为持续高热、头疼、伴
AIDS Fujian Province: Suburban Report of Fuzhou City this month 1 case. Female patient, born in 1961. More than a year of fever, 5 months to lose weight more than 10 pounds, accompanied by toxoplasmosis, white tank bacteria, T lymphocytes less than 200T4 / T8 <1. The epidemiological survey by the domestic infection. Ma rash Guangxi: 671 cases of illness, dead 2. The incidence increased by 7.70% and 155.13% respectively from the previous month and the same month last year. The cumulative incidence increased by 137.05% over the same period of last year. The incidence of 47 counties. According to the report of Sanjiang County, the incidence of measles in this county rose 18.7 times over the previous month, the first case occurred on October 10. Typhus Tianjin: Wuqing County reported 8 patients this month, since late autumn, Wuqing County Hospital have admitted a few cases of unknown causes of fever in patients. The patient showed sustained high fever, headache, companion