Chen Moumou, male, 18 years old, May 10, 1985 with generalized weakness for 10 days, fever, neck strong pain for 7 days mainly for admission. Check: body temperature 37.8 ℃, clear consciousness, strong neck resistance, positive Crohn’s syndrome, the remaining nerve examination showed no abnormalities. Peripheral blood as normal, erythrocyte sedimentation rate 30mm / h, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leukocytes 0.015 × 109 / L, protein, chloride, sugar were normal, no detection of Cryptococcus. EEG showed a limited change, to be diagnosed viral meningitis. Application of corticosteroids and other treatment was significantly improved for 7 days, 17 days after the review of CSF normal. Neurotrophic agents were administered continuously after discharge from the hospital and 1 g of globulin (300 mg) was given intramuscularly every 1 to 2 weeks. However, they relapsed three times in November 1985, February 1986 and August respectively, with similar clinical manifestations. No taking deworming drug history. All patients were treated with corticosteroids for about half a month and recovered. April 1987 relapse again, the performance of fever