
来源 :湖南省县域经济发展报告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mistbaby
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一、2009年工作的主要成绩和经验2009年面对复杂严峻的经济形势,全区上下以学习实践科学发展观为动力,以实施“项目建设年”和“干部素质年”活动为抓手,以“弯道超车”的信心应对金融危机,以务实创新的举措保增长调结构强项目促和谐,纵深推进“强商兴工、富民强区”基本工作思路和“四点两带”发展布局,取得了显著成绩。一是经济平稳较快发展。各项经济指标全面完成或超额完成年初预期目标,特别是GDP预计完成52.21亿元,同比增长15.1%;财政收入完成4.939亿元,同比增长21.6%;完成全社会固定资产投资66.75亿元,同比增长40.0%,四年累计完成174.55亿元。全区经济整体上步入发展的“快车道”。重点突出项目建设这个基本抓手,围绕“四点两带”发展 I. Major Achievements and Experiences in 2009 In the face of the complicated and grim economic situation in 2009, the whole region was motivated by the study and practice of the scientific concept of development in order to implement the “Year of Project Construction” and “Cadre Quality Year” activities As the starting point to “bend overtaking ” confidence to cope with the financial crisis, pragmatic and innovative measures to maintain growth and structural adjustment strong project to promote harmony, and further promote the “strong business and industry, enriching the people strong area ” basic work train of thought and “Four-and-two-band” development layout has achieved remarkable results. First, steady and rapid economic development. Various economic indicators have fully completed or exceeded the expected target at the beginning of the year. In particular, GDP is expected to be 5.221 billion yuan, up 15.1% over the same period of last year. The financial revenue is 493.9 million yuan, up 21.6% over the same period of last year. 6.6775 billion yuan was invested in fixed assets of the whole society, An increase of 40.0%, a total of 17.455 billion yuan in four years. The whole economy into the development of the “fast lane ”. The basic starting point for project construction is to focus on the development of “Four Points, Two Zones”
It begins when a feeling Of stilInesscreeps into my consciOusness.EVerything hassuddenly gone quiet. Birds do not chirp.Leaves do not rustle.1nsects do not sing