Cameroon’s soccer power is in vogue. Following the win of the African Nations Cup at the beginning of the year, another victorious win over Brazil, Chile and Spain at the Sydney Olympic Games won Cameron the first Olympic gold medal in history. The old ”Lioness Africa“ re-issued in Sydney revitalized fury roar, and in the sunshine will be his magnificent body coated with a glittering gold. Cameroon at the 1990 World Cup laid the status of African football in the football, but in the ensuing years the limelight was replaced by Nigeria. At the turn of the century, Cameroonian football presents the trend of resurgence, with talented people in the country and, without exception, becoming a popular football club in Europe. As Cameroon’s French manager Lilliard said, ”The team is full of genius and full of vigor and is a fully-fledged steel division with the ability and the strength of any Superman