从在西安闭幕的“中国西部大开发研讨会”组委会获悉 ,来自全国政界、企业界和学术界以及境外的千余名知名人士出席了为期3天的研讨会 ,与会专家一致认为 ,实施西部大开发 ,是一项宏大的系统工程,要把基础设施建设作为开发的基础,把加强生态环境的保护和建设作为开发的根本
From the Organizing Committee of “China’s Western Development Symposium” concluded in Xi’an, the participants learned that more than a thousand celebrities from the political, business and academic circles of the country as well as overseas attended a three-day seminar. The experts agreed that the implementation The large-scale development of the western region is an ambitious systematic project that takes infrastructure construction as the basis for development and regards strengthening the protection and construction of the ecological environment as the basis for development