人蚤Pulex itritans Linne,1758是蚤类中与人关系最密切的一种跳蚤。它几乎分布于全世界,并是鼠疫的重要传播媒介之一。所以,对人蚤的认识和研究的历史最长,其资料也较为丰富。而不同地区该蚤的生态学资料及其流行病学意义存在较大的差异。从地理分布来看,虽说人蚤是世界广布种,但在不同地区它的数量多寡,季节消长等却相差悬殊。就宿主而言,人蚤可谓多宿主蚤种,而各地区又有明显不同的宿主选择性。
Fleas Pulex itritans Linne, 1758 Fleas are the most closely related to a flea. It is distributed almost all over the world and is one of the important mass media for the plague. Therefore, people flea awareness and research the longest history, its information is also more abundant. However, the ecological information and epidemiological significance of this flea in different areas are quite different. In terms of geographical distribution, although fleas are widely distributed in the world, its population, seasonal growth and decline in different regions are quite different. In terms of hosts, human fleas can be described as multi-host flea species, with significantly different host selectivity in each region.