先天性气管完整软骨环和声门下狭窄极为少见。现将我们遇到的1例报告如下: 患者,女,1岁4个月。1989年1月起出现咳嗽,无明显诱因,喘息伴轻度喘鸣,无声嘶,症状时轻时重。6月8日因“感冒”后喘息加重,同时伴呼吸困难,口唇青紫,在我市某医院住院治疗,病情无好转。同年6月23日转来我院。体检:急性病容,神志清,有吸气性三凹征。头颅无畸形,颈软,气
Congenital tracheal integrity of the cartilage ring and subglottic stenosis is extremely rare. Now we encounter a report as follows: Patients, female, 1 year old 4 months. From January 1989 there cough, no obvious incentive, wheezing with mild wheezing, silent hoarseness, light weight when symptoms. June 8 due to “cold” increased wheezing, accompanied by breathing difficulties, blue lips, hospital treatment in a hospital in our city, the disease did not improve. June 23 the same year transferred to our hospital. Physical examination: Acute illness, conscious, there are three concave signs of inspiratory. Head without deformity, neck soft, gas