Autodesk Autodesk congratulates CCTV Interna- tional for 50 years of excellence in broadcasting. At the forefront of network television production in China,Autodesk is honoured to partner with CCTV.As China’s largest and most respected national television network,CCTV has played a vital role in reporting news and information to its global audience.Autodesk wishes CCTV 50 more years of health,luck and prosperity.欧特克热烈祝贺中国中央电视台成立50年来,在广播电视事业中做出的卓越成绩。在中国广播电视制作领域的最前锋,欧特克很荣幸能够成为中央电视台的合作伙伴。中央电视台作为中国最大的、最受尊敬的国家电视台,在为全球观众报道新闻和传递信息中扮演着至关重要的角色。欧特克祝愿中央电视台在下一个50年中事业繁荣兴旺,蒸蒸日上。
Autodesk Autodesk congratulates CCTV International for 50 years of excellence in broadcasting. At the forefront of network television production in China, Autodesk is honored to partner with CCTV.As China’s largest and most respected national television network, CCTV has played a vital role in reporting news and information to its global audience. Autodesk wishes CCTV 50 more years of health, luck and prosperity. Autodesk warmly congratulated China’s CCTV for its 50 years of outstanding achievements in radio and television. Autodesk is proud to be a partner of China Central Television in the forefront of China’s broadcast and television production. CCTV, as China’s largest and most respected national television station, plays a crucial role in reporting news and delivering information to a global audience. Autodesk wishes CCTV a prosperous career in the next 50 years.