Evaluation of occupational noise pollution and attitudes of exposed workers in two metal industries

来源 :Chinese Journal of Acoustics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangwei07863
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The purpose of the present study was to determined noise levels and to show the annoyance reaction,hearing loss,hearing impairment by the workers due to the occupational noise exposure according to Iran development of Environment(IDE) and also awareness about effects of noise and use of hearing protective devices(HPD) in the two manufacturing electronic equipment(metal) industries.The present study was carried out among industrial workers and included a sample of 130 workers,site 1(n=52) and site 2(n=78) from two metal industries located in south eastern Iran province of Kerman.In order to attend the objectives of the current study,noise levels evaluation was determined throughout all different work stations in both industries.The results of the study revealed that noise levels in 75%of the stations are higher than limits used for assessment of noise for community response.The result of the study indicated that noise levels in the workplace are(66%) very high,(28%) high and only 6%low.Workers having higher education are much aware of the health impact due to occupational noise.Chi-square analysis indicated that the difference in educational background and not wearing HPD was significant and also a significant relationship was also observed between the impact of occupational noise on the health and education status.This research has clearly demonstrated that the workers in both the metal industries included in this study are at high risk of developing noise induced hearing loss and other associated ailments due to excessive occupational exposure to noise.There is a need to develop and apply a well-defined, comprehensive and enforceable training programs and noise regulation.The study revealed that the workers having higher education(9-12 grades) are much aware of the health impact due to occupational noise exposure.There is a need to establish a hearing conservation programs in both industries,the components of such program include noise assessment,use of hearing protection devices,audiometric and increasing awareness among the workers about the adverse effects of noise. The purpose of the present study was to determined noise levels and to show the annoyance reaction, hearing loss, hearing impairment by the workers due to the occupational noise exposure according to Iran development of Environment (IDE) and also awareness about effects of noise and use of hearing protection devices (HPD) in the two manufacturing electronic equipment (metal) industries. The present study was carried out among industrial workers and included a sample of 130 workers, site 1 (n = 52) and site 2 (n = 78) from two metal industries located in south eastern Iran province of Kerman. Order to attend the objectives of the current study, noise levels evaluation was determined throughout all different work stations in both industries. The results of the study that that noise levels in 75% of the stations are higher than limits used for assessment of noise for community response. The result of the study indicates that noise levels in the workplace are (66%) very high, (28%) high and only 6% low. Workers having higher education are much aware of the health impact due to occupational noise. Chi-square analysis indicated that the difference in educational background and not wearing HPD was significant and also a significant relationship was also observed between the impact of occupational noise on the health and education status.This research has clearly demonstrated the the workers in both the metal industries included in this study are at high risk of developing noise induced hearing loss and other associated ailments due to excessive occupational exposure to noise. There is a need to develop and apply a well-defined, comprehensive and enforceable training programs and noise regulation. The study revealed that the workers have higher education (9-12 grades) are much aware of the health impact due to occupational noise exposure. There is a need to establish a hearing conservation programs in both industries, the components of such programs include noise assessment, use of hearing protection devices, audiometric and increasing awareness among the workers about the adverse effects of noise.
2013年3月19日 晴  中国前国家总理朱镕基说:一个强劲对手的存在,会让你时刻有种危机四伏感,才会激发起你更加旺盛的精神和斗志。  ——题记  贝拉克·奥巴马现已连续做了美国两任总统,他在竞选期间多次提到《对手团队》一书。这本书由普利策奖得主多丽丝·卡恩斯·古德温所著,讲述前总统亚伯拉罕·林肯如何吸收政治对手进入内阁班底。古德温说:“我想这反映出奥巴马方面有一大股内力,促使他严肃考虑效仿林肯,