诺娃-士柯蒂亚(Nova Scotia)地区到去年为止的二十多年来一直没有大规模的金属矿生产,从1969年以来则完全没有生产。1979年年中,耶娃(Yava)矿业公司开始在塞尔门河(Salmon River)开采方铅矿,并在卡皮·布莱顿(Cape Breton)的伊嫩(Enon)附近进行开采。去年10月25日诺娃-士柯蒂亚的一座新的
The Nova Scotia region has had no large-scale metal mine production for more than two decades until last year and no production since 1969. In mid-1979, Yava Mining began mining galena on the Salmon River and mining near Enon in Cape Breton. Last October 25 Nova - a new Cochemia