近年来梅毒发病率在逐年上升,尤其神经梅毒的发病率也呈上升趋势。由于神经梅毒临床表现比较复杂,所以实验室的诊断显得非常重要,脑脊液-性病研究实验室(Cerebrospinal fluid-Venereal disease research laboratory,CSF-VDRL)实验,在神经梅毒的诊断上被认为是“金标准”。但由于成本较高,一般临床实验室无法开展,为有效控制神经梅毒的危害,需要有可靠性高并且适合临床的检验方法。为此,对神经梅毒高危人群进行该方法和其他几种常用梅毒检测方法的比较,希望能够找出替代的方法。现将结
In recent years, the incidence of syphilis increased year by year, especially the incidence of neurosyphilis also showed an upward trend. Due to the complexity of the clinical manifestations of neurosyphilis, laboratory diagnosis is very important. Cerebrospinal fluid-Venereal disease research laboratory (CSF-VDRL) test is considered to be “gold” in the diagnosis of neurosyphilis standard". However, due to the high cost, the general clinical laboratory can not be carried out. In order to effectively control the harm of neurosyphilis, there is a need for a reliable and suitable clinical test method. To this end, the risk of neurosyphilis populations and several other commonly used methods of syphilis comparison, hoping to find alternative methods. Now will end