工会的基本职能包括“维护、参与、建设、教育” 四个方面。维护职能就是维护职工群众具体利益的职能,而教育职能就是教育职工群众维护工人阶级根本利益的职能。随着地勘改革的不断深化,给基层工会工作带来了新的挑战。基层工会在适应形势、发挥作用的同时,更应明确应该重点干什么和怎么干的问题,找准位置,服务大局。
The basic functions of a trade union include “maintenance, participation, construction, education ” in four aspects. The maintenance of functions is the function of safeguarding the specific interests of the workers and the masses, and the education function is the function of educating the masses of workers in safeguarding the fundamental interests of the working class. With the deepening of geological exploration reform, it has brought new challenges to the work of grassroots trade unions. While adapting to the situation and playing their role, grassroots trade unions should also make it clear what problems should be focused on and how they should be done, identify the location and serve the overall interests.