日光温室冬春茬番茄一般是11月上旬开始育苗,1月上旬定植,3月中下旬开始采收,5、6月份采收结束。这一茬番茄一般随采收推迟价格和效益下降,而采用早打顶、高密度栽培,3月上旬即可上市,7~10天内采收结束,价格高,效益好,而且大大提高了日光温室的利用率。一般每667米~2可定植6 000~7 000株左右,每株留一穗果,每穗保留3~4个果,667米~2产量可达4 000~5 000千克,因上市早而且集中,效益十分可观。
Winter and winter tomatoes in solar greenhouse tomatoes are generally started in early November nursery, early January planting, harvesting started in mid-March, 5,6 end of the harvest. This stubble tomato generally delayed with the recovery of prices and benefits, and the use of early topping, high-density cultivation, march early in March, 7 to 10 days after the end of harvesting, high prices, good efficiency, but also greatly enhance the sunlight Greenhouse utilization. Generally every 667 m ~ 2 can be planted 6 000 ~ 7 000 or so, leaving a fruit per plant, each ear to retain 3 to 4 fruit, 667 m ~ 2 output up to 4 000 ~ 5 000 kg, due to market early and Concentration, efficiency is very substantial.