莽草(Illicium Lanceolatum),对大多数人来说比较陌生,但说到八角,就应该家喻户晓了。莽草与八角同属,形态也很相似,在各地的叫法很多,别称有披针叶茴香、木蟹树、红茴香、野八角、毒八角、红毒茴等。它是一种难得的耐阴耐寒常绿树种,而且树姿优美,花色迷人。它虽名为草,却是常绿灌木或小乔木,高3~10米,叶片互生或3~5片聚生于枝顶,革质,倒披针形或长椭圆状倒披针形,长6~12厘米,宽2~4厘米,先端尾尖或渐尖,基部楔形,全缘,表面绿色,有光泽,背面淡绿色,嫩叶柄常呈红色。花两性,4~5月开放,花1~3朵簇
Illicium Lanceolatum is a stranger to most people, but when it comes to star anise, it should be widely known. Mangcao with the same star anise, the shape is also very similar, called in many places around, do not claim to have lanceolate fennel, crab tree, red fennel, wild star anise, poisonous star anise, red poisonous fennel and so on. It is a rare shade-tolerant evergreen tree species, and beautiful tree pose, charming colors. Although it is called grass, it is evergreen shrubs or small trees, 3 to 10 meters high, the leaves alternate or 3 to 5 polygamy branches, leathery, oblanceolate or oblong-oblanceolate, 6 to 12 cm long, 2 to 4 cm wide, apex caudate or acuminate, base cuneate, entire, surface green, shiny, light green on the back, often red petioles. Flowers bisexual, open from April to May, spend 1 ~ 3 clusters