矮牵牛(Petunia hybrida Vilm)为茄科、矮牵牛属多年生草本植物。原产南美,是一种广泛用于盆栽、花坛的草本植物。近年来,我国从美国、荷兰、日本等国引进的主要品种有适用于室外花坛和景观栽培的超级(Ultra)系列、极美系列、呼啦裙(Hulahoop)系列;适用于盆栽观赏的派克斯(Park’s)系列、重瓣果馅饼(DoubleTart)系列、地毯(Carpet)系列;适用于吊盆栽培的超级小瀑布(Supercascade)、梦幻(Fantasy)系列。在栽培中,由干矮牵牛品种复杂多样,所
Petunia hybrida Vilm is a Solanaceae family of perennial herbaceous plants. Native South America, is a widely used herbs, potted plants. In recent years, our country from the United States, the Netherlands, Japan and other countries introduced the main varieties suitable for outdoor flower beds and landscape cultivation of the Ultra series, the United States series, Hula hoop series (Hulahoop); suitable for potted ornamental Pax Park’s series, DoubleTart series and Carpet series; Super cascade and Fantasy series for hanging pots. In cultivation, the varieties of dried petunias are complex and diverse