瑞士国际管理发展研究院教授莱夫·舍布卢姆在英国《金融时报》载文指出,有四种力量促使全球竞争加剧。它们是:不断变化的顾客的期望和喜好、技术变化、管制取消和地区性力量。 l、消费者期望值的变化 消费者对产品的质量、服务和价格的期望值比以住任何时候都高,而且还在继续提高。与此同时,未来消费者的喜好正变得极难预测。 例如,消费者对因特网的普遍接受甚至让微软这样的公司惊讶。没有几家公司
Leif Schemblum, a professor at the Swiss Institute for International Management Development, said in a paper in the Financial Times that there are four forces that will intensify global competition. They are: changing customer expectations and preferences, technological change, regulatory abrogation and regional power. Changes in Consumer Expectations Consumers’ expectations of product quality, service, and price are higher than ever before, and continue to increase. At the same time, consumer preferences in the future are becoming extremely unpredictable. For example, consumer acceptance of the Internet has even astonished companies such as Microsoft. There are not many companies