
来源 :中国法律 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a348956376
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自上世紀90年代以來,在中央统一部署下,中國加快了司法體制改革尤其是法院審判權運行機制改革的步伐。很多司法體制改革的成果被1991年頒佈的民事訴訟法、1996年修訂的刑事訴訟法所吸納,得到了法律的確認。最高人民法院出台的一系列司法解釋,如《關於適用〈中華人民共和國民事訴訟法〉若干問題的意見》《關於民事訴訟證據的若干規定》等,均涉及改進審判方式、優化審判權運行機制等方面的內容。在人員分類管理改革方面,人民法院也進行了一些探索,形成了審判員、助理審判員、法官助理和 Since the 90s of the last century, under the unified arrangements of the Central Government, China has accelerated the pace of the reform of the judicial system, especially the mechanism for the exercise of judicial power. Many of the achievements of the reform of the judicial system were promulgated by the Civil Procedure Law promulgated in 1991 and the Criminal Procedure Law revised in 1996, and were confirmed by law. A series of judicial interpretations issued by the Supreme People’s Court, such as “Opinions on Several Issues Concerning the Application of the Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China” and “Some Provisions Concerning Evidence in Civil Proceedings” all involve improving the trial methods and optimizing the operating mechanism of judicial power Aspects of the content. In the personnel category management reform, the People’s Court also conducted some explorations, formed the judiciary, assistant judge, judge assistant and
同 情  泰戈尔    如果我不是你的小孩,而只是一只小狗,亲爱的妈妈,我想吃你盘子里的食物时,你会对我说声“不”吗?  你会撵我走,对我说,“走开,你这顽皮的小狗”吗?  如果这样,那我就走了,妈妈,走了!你叫唤我时,我就决不到你身边来,决不让你再来喂我吃东西了。  如果我不是你的小孩,而只是一只绿色的小鹦鹉,亲爱的妈妈,你会用链子把我缚住,生怕我飞走吗?  你会对我指指点点地说,“好一只不知感