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双嘧达莫(dipyridamoli)又名潘生丁,曾作为一种较强的扩冠脉药物用于急、慢性冠脉功能不全、心绞痛,其疗效不明显.近年来在临床实践中,人们又发现了双嘧达莫的临床新用途,主要表现在以下几个方面.1 预防先兆子痫 对照研究发现,从妊娠第4个月开始服双嘧达莫300mg·d~(-1)和阿司匹林150mg·d~(-1),直到分娩为止,对有高发先兆子痫及(或)胎儿生长迟缓可能性的病人有良好的效果.2 治疗肾小球肾炎、肾病综合征 本药抑制肾小球毛细血管通透性增强因子的释放,有减少尿蛋白的作用.本品100~300mg·d~(-1),对狼疮性肾炎有良好的疗效,如联用肝素5000U,4~6次·d~(-1)皮下或肌注更好.双嘧达莫有降低蛋白尿,改善肾功能作用,可能与它抗血小板聚集,抑制其释放化学介质及阻断免疫复合物沉积作用有关.对肾病综合征用量100mg·d~(-1),4wk一般情况改善,与对照组比有显著差异. Dipyridamol, also known as dipyridamole, has been used as a strong drug for coronary artery disease in acute and chronic coronary insufficiency, angina pectoris, its curative effect is not obvious.In recent years, in clinical practice, people also found Dipyridamole clinical new uses, mainly in the following areas.1 prevention of pre-eclampsia control study found that from the first trimester of pregnancy dipyridamole 300mg · d -1 and aspirin 150mg · d ~ (-1), until the childbirth, have a high risk of pre-eclampsia and (or) the possibility of fetal growth retardation have good results.2 treatment of glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, the drug inhibits glomerular capillary Vascular permeability enhancer release, reduce the role of urinary protein.The product 100 ~ 300mg · d ~ (-1), lupus nephritis have a good effect, such as combined with heparin 5000U, 4 ~ 6 times · d ~ (-1) subcutaneous or intramuscular injection better.Dipyridamyl can reduce proteinuria, improve renal function, may be related to its anti-platelet aggregation, inhibition of its release of chemical mediators and blocking the deposition of immune complexes on the role of kidney disease Syndromes of 100mg · d ~ (-1), 4wk general improvement, compared with the control group were significantly different.
The effect of the annealing temperature Ta on the optical, electrical and structural properties of the In2S3 films obtained by the spray pyrolysis method at 350
初冬。呼和浩特新城宾馆玻璃厅里灯火辉煌,欢歌笑语。在悠扬的乐曲声中,人们把鲜花献给他——首届韬奋新闻奖获得者、内蒙古电视台副台长额尔德尼。 这位草原牧民的儿子,热
木刊讯 著名戏曲作家、理论家、教育家、中央文史研究馆馆员翁偶虹先生于1994年6月19日在京病逝,享年86岁。 MuJiXun famous drama writer, theorist, educator, central hi
2-甲基-5-巯基-1,3,4-噻二唑的合成李敬芬,王旭,黄剑(佳木斯医学院药学系黑龙江154002)SYNTHESISOF2-METHYL-5-MERCAPTO-1,3,4-THIADIAZOLE¥LIJing-Fen;WANGXu;HUANGJi... Synthesis of 2-methyl-5-mercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazole LI Jingfen, WANG Xu, HUANG Jian (Department of