Role of Tight Junctions and Their Protein Expression in Atopic Dermatitis

来源 :国际皮肤性病学杂志(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zongduzhicai
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Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease with xerosis, itchiness, as well as interconnection with immunoglobulin E (Ig E), mediated foods including airborne allergies. AD is not only related to the diminished stratum corneum barrier but also presents with an unusual expression of tight junctions (TJs) proteins. TJ barrier dysfunction leads to impairment in the stratum corneum (SC) barrier. The significant role of TJs in the epidermal barrier as indicated by Claudin-1 (Cldn-1) deficient mice that undergo high transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and skin dehydration. In atopic dermatitis, downregulation of Cldn-1 was observed due to inflammation. Still, a lack of distinct understanding exists in considering tight junction barrier impairment as a cause or outcome in atopic dermatitis. This review summarizes TJs main role in skin barrier function and TJ proteins (TJPs) expression observed in AD patients.“,”Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease with xerosis, itchiness, as well as interconnection with immunoglobulin E (Ig E), mediated foods including airborne allergies. AD is not only related to the diminished stratum corneum barrier but also presents with an unusual expression of tight junctions (TJs) proteins. TJ barrier dysfunction leads to impairment in the stratum corneum (SC) barrier. The significant role of TJs in the epidermal barrier as indicated by Claudin-1 (Cldn-1) deficient mice that undergo high transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and skin dehydration. In atopic dermatitis, downregulation of Cldn-1 was observed due to inflammation. Still, a lack of distinct understanding exists in considering tight junction barrier impairment as a cause or outcome in atopic dermatitis. This review summarizes TJs main role in skin barrier function and TJ proteins (TJPs) expression observed in AD patients.
由对外友协和芬中协会、陕西省人民对外友好协会联合举办的“马达汉中国西部图片展”于5月13日至17日在西安外事学院展出。作为“马达汉中国西部图片展”系列展的第三站,西安展得到陕西省对外友协和西安外事学院的大力支持,师生的积极关注和一致好评。展览开幕式当日就有近千人前来参观。    马达汉,原名曼纳海姆,1944年至1946年任芬兰总统。1906年至1908年,他到中国西部考察各民族的历史与习俗,搜集
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