On Robust H_2 Estimation

来源 :自动化学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuggmacc
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The problem of state estimation for uncertain systems has attracted a recurring interest in the past decade. In this paper, we shall give an overview on some of the recent development in the area by focusing on the robust H2 (Kalman) filtering of uncertain discrete-time systems. The robust H2 estimation is concerned with the design of a fixed estimator for a family of plants under consideration such that the estimation error covariance is of a minimal upper bound. The uncertainty under consideration includes norm-bounded uncertainty and polytopic uncertainty. In the finite horizon case, we shall discuss a parameterized difference Riccati equation approach for systems with norm-bounded uncertainty and pinpoint the difference of state estimation between systems without uncertainty and those with uncertainty. In the infinite horizon case, we shall deal with both the norm-bounded and polytopic uncertainties using a linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach. In particular, we shall demonstrate how the conservatism of design can be improved using a slack variable technique. We also propose an iterative algorithm to refine a designed estimator. An example will be given to compare estimators designed using various techniques. In this paper, we shall give an overview on some of the recent development in the area by focusing on the robust H2 (Kalman) filtering of uncertain discrete- time systems. The robust H2 estimation is concerned with the design of a fixed estimator for a family of plants under consideration such that the estimation error covariance is of a minimal upper bound. The uncertainty under consideration includes norm-bounded uncertainty and polytopic uncertainty. In the finite horizon case, we shall discuss a parameterized difference Riccati equation approach for systems with norm-bounded uncertainty and pinpoint the difference of state estimation between systems without uncertainty and those with uncertainty. In the infinite horizon case, we shall deal with both the norm -bounded and polytopic uncertainties using a linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach. In particular, we shall demonstrat e how the conservatism of design can be improved using a slack variable technique. We also propose an iterative algorithm to refine a designed estimator. An example will be given to compare estimators designed using various techniques.
一 rn早就有过戒烟的想法,但至今仍未戒掉.不是没有信心,也不是缺乏戒掉的毅力,更不是不知道铺天盖地的媒体把抽烟说得一无是处的宣传.麻烦是,在我固执刻板的意识里,在我近50
武功县北部以前有座北莽山,已经是一个很遥远的话题了。传说中的北莽山是“东西延绵数百里,群峰九百指云天。巍峨蹉跎出奇观,林森涧深溪流急。亭阁楼台云海现,众仙逍遥度无边。”这么好的人间仙境,我们已经无从得知。  但是,我小时候村里的老人包括我的父母常常給我讲有关北莽山的故事。听着这些“百蟒成精普众生;莽夫孝母感天地”等神奇故事,我慢慢地长大了。长大后,给我记忆最深的是东西走向的北莽塬给人们的生产和生活