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卫生防疫系统中有一个很重要的组成部分是卫生检验,它为卫生监督、卫生执法、科学研究以及卫生服务提供重要的依据。随着科学技术的发展,需检测的物质种类越来越多,越来越复杂,现代化的检测手段及高效能检测仪器的问世,使卫生检验工作的内容和范围不断扩大,从而使卫生检? A very important component of the health and epidemic prevention system is health inspection, which provides an important basis for hygiene supervision, health enforcement, scientific research and health services. With the development of science and technology, more and more kinds of substances need to be detected, and more and more complex. Modern detection methods and the introduction of high-performance detection instruments have enabled the content and scope of health inspection work to expand, and thus make sanitary inspections.
《THE FACE》夺得日本 Best Hit 音乐节 Gold Artist 奖的韩国新生代天后 BoA,献上最新日语大碟《THE FACE》。大碟收入多首人气歌曲,包括《Sweet Impact》《LOVE LETTER》
It is demonstrated here for the first time how Palaeoproterozoic stromatolites survived seismic disturbance of their substrate.The stromatolites under study cou
In order to understand the dynamic background,the mantle source region characteristic and magma evolution of the diabase in Henan Songshan region and the minera
我院从1991年开始,对急诊病历实施了计算机管理,随着在临床应用中的不断改进,系统日趋完善。系统设计与功能一、开发环境硬件为586微机,16M内存,400M硬盘,12+144M软驱,VGA显示器,EPSONLQ-1600K打印机。操作系统为MS-... S
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