患者女,75岁,因反复心慌20余年,再发伴胸闷、气促3d,于2009年4月24日入院。既往有高血压病史,无药物过敏史,无肌肉疼痛病史。入院体检:T 36.4℃,P 78次/min,R20次/min,BP 130/80mmHg,神志清,精神较差,慢性病容。全身皮肤、巩膜无黄染。双肺呼吸音粗,未闻及哕音。HR118次/min,律不齐,快慢不等,强弱不一,收缩期吹风样杂音。腹平软,无压痛、反跳痛及肌紧张。肝、脾未触及,双肾区无叩痛,双下肢无水肿,生理反射存在,病理反射未引出。辅助检查:心电图示心房纤颤,左室肥大。诊断:①冠心病,
Female patient, 75 years old, because of repeated palpitation for more than 20 years, recurrent chest tightness, shortness of breath 3d, on April 24, 2009 admission. Previous history of hypertension, no history of drug allergy, no history of muscle pain. Admission medical examination: T 36.4 ℃, P 78 times / min, R20 times / min, BP 130 / 80mmHg, clear mind, poor mental state, chronic disease. Whole body skin, sclera without yellow dye. Breath sounds coarse lungs, no smell and 哕 sound. HR118 times / min, irregular law, ranging in speed, strength and weakness, systolic hair-like murmur. Abdomen soft, no tenderness, rebound tenderness and muscle tension. Liver, spleen not touched, no percussion pain in the kidneys, no edema in both lower extremities, the presence of physiological reflex, the pathological reflex did not lead. Auxiliary examination: ECG shows atrial fibrillation, left ventricular hypertrophy. Diagnosis: ① coronary heart disease,